Why Shop for Premium Bird Food?

Rabbits are friendly pets that need proper nutrition to stay healthy. These pets thrive on a plant-based diet, one that is rich in fiber. Rabbit food should be adapted to the age of the rabbits to maintain their GI motility. For them, grass hay is an essential source of fiber and this means that it should be included in their daily diet. Birds also have special dietary requirements. Bird food should be diversified and healthy.

What Should Healthy Rabbit Food Include?

Unsuitable diets for rabbits can cause gastrointestinal issues, microbial overgrowth, dental disease and other problems that affect the health of these pets. The nutrition of the rabbits should contain all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Rabbits should have at their disposal hay and fresh water all the time; all the changes you make to their diet should be done gradually; for example, if you want to introduce new food you should offer a new type of food each week. Rabbit food is a challenge for first-time owners because they do not know how sensitive these pets are.

Rabbit food should include:

  • Hay- make sure your rabbits eat hay every day; the best choices are timothy, orchard grass and oat hay.
  • Greens are important for they offer rabbits the nutrients they need to stay healthy; the most suitable choices are spring mix greens, carrots, carrot tops, collard greens, dandelion greens, peppers, kale, mustard greens, radish tops and spinach.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables- a small amount is recommended daily and you can feed them kiwi, blueberries, raspberries, pears, peaches, papayas, melons, etc.
  • Pellets- if you decide to feed your rabbits pellets, you should make sure they have a low content of protein and calories.

A proper diet for rabbits should be established according to their stage of development. Another important aspect is to make sure your pets exercise daily for they need physical activity to stay healthy and to keep them from getting bored and developing destructive behavior. If you are new to caring for rabbits, you should educate yourselves on this matter prior to bringing one home. You have to start with the right diet from the beginning to avoid health issues. By taking the time to read the information available you will know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to feeding rabbits.

How Do You Choose Bird Food?

Most people assume that caring for a bird is not much of a hassle. What they do not know is that they need a diversified, balanced diet to stay healthy. Bird food should not be limited to seeds or pellets. The right diet supports the immune system of the bird, preventing it from getting ill. The daily diet of a bird should include healthy food; you can choose a reliable brand that provides food that contains the right amount of nutrients. There are premium products for birds from reliable brands that make it easier for you to keep your bird in optimum health.

Apart from base food, you should also feed them seeds and pellets. There are different suppliers on the market that offer such products which are high in nutrients and contain vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. As a bird owner, you have numerous choices when shopping for suitable food. All you have to do is educate yourself on this matter and shop from a reliable brand that puts at your disposal only high-quality products. Bird food should be of premium quality to ensure your bird gets essential nutrients and stays healthy. Fruits and vegetables are also nutritious and they can be fed to birds in numerous ways; you can chop them, mash them, grate them or mix them with other types of food.

The most common fruits used to feed birds are apples, bananas, berries, melons, oranges and pineapple. As far as vegetables are concerned, we should mention asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, leafy greens, sprouts, yams and squash. Your bird might not like what you feed it, but it will get used to its diet in time. Keep in mind that you are responsible for its health and you have to be consistent and find creative ways to mix food so that your bird enjoys eating it.

Why Should Rabbit Food Be Selected According to Growth Stages?

The most common health problems in rabbits are related to their digestion, weight and teeth. Sudden changes in the diet of these pets are not recommended for they can upset their digestive system. Rabbit food should be chosen according to the stage of development of the rabbit:

  • Bunnies- they drink only milk from their mother in the first three weeks and this is important to prevent diseases; afterwards, they can eat alfalfa hay and pellets.
  • Juvenile rabbits- between 3 to 7 months- you can introduce vegetables in small quantities, one at a time.
  • Young adults- these are from 7 month to 1 year and they can be fed timothy hay, grass hay or oat hay. Also, the number of pellets you offer them should be limited and you can replace it with vegetables.
  • Mature rabbits- they can be fed hay without any restrictions; the number of pellets they eat should be reduced and replaces with leafy greens and fruits.
  • Senior rabbits- their diet should be established according to their weight.

Birds do not know what is best for them but you do. Bird food should be varied, healthy and fresh. The good news is that there are various brands on the market that put at your disposal an impressive selection of products for birds. Premium food is a great choice for it helps you keep your bird healthy and active. You can shop online for bird food to see what options you have; the Internet gives you the possibility to do some research and see which brands have favorable reviews and are recommended by other pet owners.